I am using require.js with backbone and backbone.localstorage and I am trying to figure out how to make use of the data after calling fetch, not sure how to go about it... I am trying to pass the data into my view and make use of it.
Here is the example of the data stored in localstorage:
[{"artist":"Hits 1 Entertainment 4-1-1","title":"Hear Katy's Perry's New Album!"}, ...]
So it is objects within an array.
This is my code for backbone...
var songz = new Songs();
songz.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage("music");
songz.fetch({dataType: 'json'});
var songV = new SongV({collection: songz});
Songs is a collection, that looks like this in the collections file, SongV is the view for each song.
Here is the view with the code above included:
], function($, _, Backbone, Song, Songs, SongV, PageT){
var Page = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#page"),
render: function () {
this.$el.html( PageT );
var songz = new Songs();
songz.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage("music");
songz.fetch({dataType: 'json'});
var songV = new SongV({collection: songz});
return Page;
Here is the collection file:
], function($, _, Backbone, Song){
var Songs = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Song,
initialize: function () {
return Songs;
Here is the model file:
], function(_, Backbone) {
var Song = Backbone.Model.extend({
return Song;
Here is the template file:
<th> Number </th>
<th> Title </th>
<th> Artist </th>
<th> Date_Added </th>
<th> Video </th>
<% _.each(songs, function(song){ %>
<td> <%= song.get("number") %> </td>
<td> <%= song.get("title") %> </td>
<td> <%= song.get("artist") %> </td>
<td> <%= song.get("added_on") %> </td>
<td> <%= song.get("video") %> </td>
<% }); %>