Hello fellow developers of Stack Overflow! I recently got back into web development (although I wasn't too good at it before) with PHP being my weapon of choice. PHP seems to have changed since I was out of it, and combine that with the fact that I have never used PHP sockets, before lead to a disastrous first attempt to create an IRC bot (I am on an IRC channel where bot developing is big, and I want to integrate it into my website. Writing it in php also seems like a fun challenge). It created an infinite loop that made my browser go slow, and I wasn't able to copy any errors or warnings. Would the good folks of so mind looking over this script (based on this bot):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
<title>Lucky Cloud</title>
$bot = array(
"Host" => "irc.quakenet.org",
"Channels" => ["#cplusplus", "#BotDevGroundZero"],
"Nick" => "LuckyCloud",
"Ident" => "LuckyCloud",
"Real" => "LuckyCloud",
"Port" => 6667
$buffer = "";
Server: <?php echo $bot["Host"]; ?><br />
Channel(s): <?php foreach($bot["Channels"] as $channel) echo $channel.($channel != end($bot["Channels"]) ? ", " : ""); ?><br />
Port: <? echo $bot["Port"]; ?><br />
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
global $socket;
$socket = fsockopen($bot["host"], $bot["Port"]);
function sendData($cmd, $msg = null) {
if($msg == null) {
fputs($socket, $cmd."\r\n");
echo "<strong>".$cmd."</strong><br />";
else {
fputs($socket, $cmd." ".$msg."\r\n");
echo "<strong>".$cmd." ".$msg."</strong><br />";
sendData("NICK", $bot["Nick"]);
sendData("USER", $bot["Ident"]." ".$bot["Host"]." ".$bot["Real"]);
$buffer = "";
while(true) {
foreach($bot["Channels"] as $channel) {
sendData("JOIN", $channel);
$buffer += fgets($socket, 1024);
$temp = explode("\n", $buffer);
$buffer = end($temp);
foreach($temp as $line) {
echo $line;
$line = rtrim($line);
$line = explode($line);
if($line[0] == "PING") {
sendData("PONG", $line[1]);
sorry for any formatting issues. the cpanel editor was acting weird