I'm creating Flash "memory" game, Idea to discover 2 equal cards. And I need to make "Try again" button, which remove all cards and spawn new.
Here is main game function:
public function MemoryGame()
tryAgain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, darKarta);
timer = new Timer(1000); //create a new timer that ticks every second.
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, tick, false, 0, true); //listen for the timer tick
txtTime = new TextField();
tmpTime = timer.currentCount;
_cards = new Array();
_totalMatches = 18;
_currentMatches = 0;
Here is createCards function:
private function createCards():void
_cardX = 45;
_cardY = 10;
for(var i:Number = 0; i < 2; i++)
_card = new Card();
_boarder = new Boarder();
_card.x = _cardX;
_card.y = _cardY;
_cardX += _card.width + 5;
_card.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkCards);
for(var j:Number = 0; j < 2; j++)
_card = new Card();
_blueBoard = new BlueBoard();
_card.x = _cardX;
_card.y = _cardY;
_cardX += _card.width + 5;
_card.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkCards);
for(var r:Number = 0; r < 2; r++)
_card = new Card();
_penktas = new Penktas();
_card.x = _cardX;
_card.y = _cardY;
_cardX += _card.width + 5;
_card.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkCards);
And here is removeCard function:
function removeCards(e:MouseEvent):void
//for(var iv:Number = 0; iv < 18; iv++)
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remCards);
function remCards(evt:Event):void
if (contains(_card)) {
But It removes only last card, I don't know how to make to delete them all. Have you any ideas? Thank you.