
Kentico Admin - Re-arrange Order of checkboxes

2019-09-05 21:49发布


For my Articles page type, I have an Author field that displays a list of Employees as checkboxes in alpha order based on their names. The thing is for articles, the authors are listed based on their contribution level (not their names).

Example: in admin - the checkboxes are listed in alpha like this: Bill | Fill | Jill | Will.

On the article webpage - the author can be in any order such as: Will, Jill, Bill

How should I go about doing that? I was thinking about creating multiple Author fields (Author1, Author2, Author3 etc), but that's cumbersome.

Is there a way to make the checkboxes draggable so that we can move checkboxes arround & re-arrange for each individual article, if needed. If that can't be done, what's your suggestion to go about doing this. Thanks for your input!

Added Screenshots:


I would suggest to convert your authors into pages (e.g. content only) and then use Pages field on your Article page type that allows you to order your authors (using arrows).

标签: kentico