Select distinct Cloudsearch AWS

2019-09-05 21:24发布


Now I'm doing this request on CloudSearch:

aws cloudsearchdomain --endpoint-url myUrl search --search-query France --query-options "{'fields':['country']}" --return name

I want to get only distinct names but i get names with id. Is there a way to do that ?


For this example array :

country | city | company_name | company_id | product_name | product_id 
US      | NY   | C1N          | C1id       | P1N          | P1id
US      | NY   | C1N          | C1id       | P2N          | P2id
US      | NY   | C2N          | C2id       | P1N          | P1id

I want to get all distinct company_name and company_id in NY

I do this request : URL/search?q=NY&facet.company_id={sort:'count'}&q.options={"defaultOperator":"and","fields":["city"],"operators":["and","or"]}&return=_all_fields

I get distinct company_id but i don't find a way to get company_name at the same time without making another request

    "status": {
        "rid": "lKzEiL0qCwok24g=",
        "time-ms": 93
    "hits": {
        "found": 2,
        "start": 0,
        "hit": [{
            "id": "369998744556855594878962245"
        }, {
            "id": "3699987477777545245"
    "facets": {
        "company_id": {
            "buckets": [{
                "value": "C1id",
                "count": 2
            }, {
                "value": "C2id",
                "count": 1


I found a solution : I store raw json data in a new column : json_company = {\"id\":\"C1id\",\"name\":\"C1N\"} and my request : &facet.json_company ={}

My result :

"facets": {
    "json_company": {
        "buckets": [{
            "value": "{\"id\":\"C1id\",\"name\":\"C1N\"}",
            "count": 2
        }, {
            "value": "{\"id\":\"C2id\",\"name\":\"C2N\"}",
            "count": 1

I parse the JSON in my Lambda function !