I'm in need of a batch command that will look into a directory's sub folders and find a partial file name. If that file exists, then move that directory otherwise leave it alone.
I have a folder full of movies:
Within each movie folder I would like to know if it has a trailer downloaded into the folder, if so then move that directory to x:\movies
. I say partial file name as every trailer file will include the title of the movie with "-trailer
" added to the end (f.e. The Interview (2014)-trailer
Let's look for a solution from Windows CLI (Command Line Interpreter) with ->
prompt using An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line and with next scenario:
->tree d:\test\movies
->tree d:\test\xmovies
No subfolders exist
->dir /B /S /A-D "d:\test\movies"
d:\test\movies\movie1\The View (2014)-trailer missing.rtf
d:\test\movies\movie2\The Interview (2014)-trailer.bat
d:\test\movies\movie2\The Interview (2014)-trailer.bmp
d:\test\movies\movie2\The Interview (2014)-trailer.txt
d:\test\movies\movie3\An Interview (2014)-trailer.bmp
To find all those files under MOVIES
subfolder with -trailer
added to the filename end preceding .
of file extension:
->dir /B /S /A-D "d:\test\movies\*-trailer.*"
d:\test\movies\movie2\The Interview (2014)-trailer.bat
d:\test\movies\movie2\The Interview (2014)-trailer.bmp
d:\test\movies\movie2\The Interview (2014)-trailer.txt
d:\test\movies\movie3\An Interview (2014)-trailer.bmp
To get folder names only:
->for /F "tokens=*" %G in ('dir /B /S /A-D "d:\test\movies\*-trailer.*"') do @echo %~dpG
But here the movie2
appears more than once! And, moreover, the move
command does not allow source directory with trailing backslash:
->move "D:\test\Movies\movie4\" "D:\test\xMovies\"
The system cannot find the file specified.
->move "D:\test\Movies\movie4" "D:\test\xMovies\"
1 dir(s) moved.
Therefore we need switch from Windows shell (CLI) to batch scripting. Create file 28167824.bat
(e.g with notepad
and save it to D:\bat\StackOverflow
@SETLOCAL enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in (
'dir /B /S /A-D "d:\test\movies\*-trailer.*"'
) do (
set "rawfolder=%%~dpG"
if exist "%%~dpG" call :moveDir
goto :eof
set "srcfolder=%rawfolder:~0,-1%"
`enter code here`echo move "%srcfolder%" "d:\test\xMovies\"
rem move "%srcfolder%" "d:\test\xMovies\"
goto :eof
Run this batch script, the template of next move
commands is the same as in that successful move
command mentioned above:
move "d:\test\Movies\movie2" "d:\test\xMovies\"
move "d:\test\Movies\movie2" "d:\test\xMovies\"
move "d:\test\Movies\movie2" "d:\test\xMovies\"
move "d:\test\Movies\movie3" "d:\test\xMovies\"
Bingo! Now we could remove rem
before move "%srcfolder%" "d:\test\xMovies\"
, save the script and run it:
move "d:\test\Movies\movie2" "d:\test\xMovies\"
1 dir(s) moved.
move "d:\test\Movies\movie3" "d:\test\xMovies\"
1 dir(s) moved.
And here is final configuration, cf. starting scenario:
->tree d:\test\movies
->tree d:\test\xmovies