
Ruby on Rails best_in_place gem throwing error

2019-09-05 18:25发布


I am following the guide on https://github.com/bernat/best_in_place When I run my app I get the error below: What does this mean???

  - @schedules.each do |s|
      %td= best_in_place s, :name

$(document).ready(function() {
  /* Activating Best In Place */

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'best_in_place'


First, you need to ensure that the best_in_place gem is installed to your environment and the JavaScript file is being imported to your HTML. If you're using the asset pipeline (Rails 3.1+), you can include it in your JavaScript manifest:

# app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require jquery
//= require jquery-ui
//= require best_in_place

Then, ensure that the script has an HTML DOM element(s) that it can bind to and execute the best_in_class function upon:

# in your view
<div class="best_in_class"></div>


You need to include best_in_place lib before using it

//= require best_in_place

to your appplication.js file


Remove app/assets/javascripts/best_in_place.js

Include activating code in view:

  - @schedules.each do |s|
      %td= best_in_place s, :name
$(document).ready(function() {
  /* Activating Best In Place */


I was having the same error. I restarted the server and it worked for me.