There are several posts about how to get last_insert_id from MySQL and related issues. I found this one post related to DBExpress: delphi dxExpress MySQL: invalid LAST_INSERT_ID value
However, following that post don't help me using the following code to insert a note into a notes table.
TSQLQuery* tq = new TSQLQuery(NULL);
tq->SQLConnection = atdbDM->SQLConnection1;
stringstream q;
q <<"INSERT INTO note (created_by, note) VALUES ("<<1234<<", \'<none>\');";
q << "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS lastNoteID;";
int noteID = tq->FieldByName("lastNoteID")->AsInteger;
When Open() executes, I get an exception:
'You have an error in your SQL syntax; Check the manual that correposnds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID... at line1'
If I execute the insert statement first, and the SELECT statement individually, I get no error, but the returned ID is always 0. Anyone knowing what needs to be changed? I am using C++ Builder XE3