I create a TestNG project in Eclipse, and I use System.getProperty("user.dir")
to get the base folder (like "D:\project\selenium") of the project, but when I run the TestNG in the command line, the base folder returns "C:\users\username\", is there any way to solve this question?
A similar issue was fixed in the latest version of the eclipse plugin: https://github.com/cbeust/testng/issues/903
You should try to upgrade the plugin.
Probably the issue is that when you run it via command line, your user.dir
corresponds to your global user directory (C:\users\username).
Before you run your tests, try to change your current directory to the one where your Eclipse project is hosted (i.e. cd D:\project\selenium
). And after that run your tests.
Unfortunately I do not have Windows at hand right now, so can't test it by myself.