I have a string which is a paragraph written on the aspx side. It goes like this:
The new student, {student_name} has the following grades -
Maths - {math_grade}
Science - {Science_grade}
and so on.
I need to get values from database, and replace {student_name}
with Joe Smith
, {Math_grade}
wth A
or B+
How can I do this?
Dim myString As String = "{student_name}"
myString = myString.Replace("{student_name}","Joe Smith")
...Remember to always assign the string you are attempting to replace values in to the original string.
...will not replace your original strings values -- it must be explicitly assigned. e.g.
myString = myString.Replace("value","newvalue")
You certainly can use String.Replace, but typically ASP.NET apps are written using labels as placeholders and then modifying the values in the code-behind.
So your MyFile.aspx would contain
The new student, [lblStudentName] has the following grades - Maths - [lblMathGrade] Science - [lblScienceGrade] ... and so on
Then in your MyFile.aspx.cs (or MyFile.aspx.vb)
this.lblStudentName.Text = "John Doe";
this.lblMathGrade.Text = "A-";
this.lblScienceGrade.Text = "F";
There are also many other better techniques you could use, such as a repeater control, then binding the sql results to this control.