I am a beginner in Azure and have some queries regarding the blob storage logs
I am referring to this link
Now in my test environment I have enabled logging and I have got access to the log folders via Azure Management Studio.
When I look in the folders there are several mini folders I guess differentiated hr by hr. In that there are small txt files which get generated every 10 mins.
First question: How come the logs get generated even though there is no web activity ?
Second question : I have a problem with the storage version. The link given above talks about removing version before 2012. Does that mean I should only look at GetBlob/GetTable requests ? The reason I am asking this is because along with the first Getblob request you have another request which is ListBlobs,Releaseblobs each with different version;
for eg
1.0;2015-01-22T09:25:05.1660119Z;ReleaseBlobLease;Success;200;8;8;authenticated.......;;; having version 2011-08-18
1.0;2015-01-22T09:26:51.2674946Z;ListBlobs;Success;200;4;4;authenticated;;autoenrolmenttest;blob...... having version 2012-02-12
1.0;2015-01-22T09:22:18.6111213Z;PutBlob;Success;201;13;12;authenticated;......... having version 2011-08-18
1.0;2015-01-22T09:25:06.0485334Z;GetBlob;Success;200;53;52;authenticated;....having version 2011-08-18
My predicament is which version I should consider from the above 4 ? Only getbllob?