I have a well functioning NetLogo model of pedestrians in a generic, urban environment loaded from shapefiles - including projection/transformation (See selected code lines below).
How do I export the xcor's and ycors of turtles to text files, projected/transformed into the original projection system?
Thanks in advance
code examples...
gis:load-coordinate-system (word "../data/testLines_2.prj")
set ODLines gis:load-dataset "../data/testLines_2.shp"
setUpEnvelopeExtented ODLines 10
maybe you can use gis:store-dataset dataset file
You need two steps :
- create a dataset with your agents
- export your dataset in
You can use something like
to export-turtles
gis:set-world-envelope [-90 90 -90 90 ]
gis:store-dataset gis:turtle-dataset turtles "bugs"
Ok. Thanks Delaye.
I probably need to be a little more explicit:
What I need is at every tick of my model to export the locations (and more) of every turtle.
file-open "locations.txt"
to go
ask turtles
[ file-write xcor file-write ycor ]
But instead of x- and ycor (which I believe are in netlogo space) I need them to be projected into the current GIS-system of the model (as per my load-coordinatesystem primitive).