
Compiling Winmerge Sample Plugin fails on project

2019-09-05 15:53发布


I want to write a WinMerge Plugin to call into my C# business layer code to do a text transform.

I decided to start with the sample plugin which is closest to my own needs, but if I want to open it, Visual Studio is trying to convert its solution file but simply fails without any useful error.

The IgnoreComments plugin source code was my choosen starting point. Opening the dsp file in Visual Studio triggers the conversion.

If i start the one-way conversion a messagebox appears moments later:

Microsoft Visual Studio
Project upgrade failed.

The migration report opens in the browser containing no more than:

IgnoreCommentsC.dsp: Unable to convert project. Please make sure this is a valid Visual C++ 6.0 project.
IgnoreCommentsC.dsp: Project upgrade failed.
IgnoreCommentsC.dsp: Converting project file 'C:\snip\winmerge-code-7618-trunk\Plugins\src_VCPP\IgnoreCommentsC\IgnoreCommentsC.dsp'.

I also opened a bug at the project home on sourceforge over a week ago but the project is not maintained any more?!

So question is, what do I need to do to open and compile this plugin.