I have this tiny annoying thing that is driving me nuts.
I need to loop through a directory and move files contained within a subdir to another location.
This works fine for folders that don't contain any spaces, but I have some directories that contain spaces, which do not work.
I've tried adding some "" around the file location, but that doesn't work either.
This is what I have:
for /f "usebackq" %%m in (`dir /b D:\adir\dir with spaces`) do (
MOVE /Y "D:\adir\dir with spaces\%%m\*.*" "D:\bdir\dir with spaces"
RD /q D:\adir\dir with spaces\%%m
The first thing I would do is put quotes inside the parentheses and in the RD command:
for /f "usebackq" %%m in (`dir /b "D:\adir\dir with spaces"`) do (
MOVE /Y "D:\adir\dir with spaces\%%m\*.*" "D:\bdir\dir with spaces"
RD /q "D:\adir\dir with spaces\%%m"
Then I would see how it goes...
This (with quotes) "works for me":
@echo off
for /f "usebackq" %%m in (`dir /b "z:\dir with spaces"`) do (
dir "z:\dir with spaces\%%m"
This (without the quotes) does NOT work:
@echo off
for /f "usebackq" %%m in (`dir /b z:\dir with spaces`) do (
dir z:\dir with spaces\%%m
for /f "delims=" %%m in ('dir /b /ad "D:\adir\dir with spaces"') do (
MOVE "D:\adir\dir with spaces\%%~m\*" "D:\bdir\dir with spaces"
RD "D:\adir\dir with spaces\%%~m"