I am trying to run a very simple tmux shell script called "split.sh" which splits the terminal windows.
~/build/tmux-1.5/tmux split-window -h
~/build/tmux-1.5/tmux split-window -v
~/build/tmux-1.5/tmux split-window -h
When I type the command "sh ~/build/tmux-1.5/split.sh", this shell script runs fine, splitting the terminal windows.
However, when I set an aliases,
alias sp='sh ~/build/tmux-1.5/split.sh'
and then run "sp", the terminal gives me a wierd error:
python: can't open file 'manage.py': [Errno 2] No such file
I believe this error with "manage.py" has something to do with Django.. but I have no idea why terminal is looking for manage.py. Why is the terminal giving me this error :(???