Compare if subnet is in IP range, in Python?

2019-09-05 13:46发布


I have a set of subnets with labeled descriptions in a csv file. I need to assign these descriptions to the Data Probe ranges that these subnets belong to in another csv file.

Given a subnet with an ipaddress and netmask,
I want to check if the subnet is in the range

I have considered creating a range from the subnet's ip and net mask and comparing it to the Data Probe ranges. I haven't been able to find out if this would yield the correct answer.

I cannot use the latest version of Python (this has to work with an application running python 2.7), so the ipaddress module is not an option for me.


The socket module provides inet_aton, which will convert your addresses to bitstrings. You can then convert them to integers using struct.unpack, mask using &, and use integer comparison:

from socket import inet_aton
from struct import unpack

def atol(a):
    return unpack(">L", inet_aton(a))[0]

addr = atol("")
mask = atol("")
lo = atol("")
hi = atol("")
prefix = addr & mask

print lo <= prefix <= hi