Target: Compare list of attendees with list of invitees and send email reminder to those who did not attend.
Method: I am attempting to compare 2 arrays [invited & attended] and return items that are NOT found in each i.e who did not attend training so I can trigger an email reminder.
I've got myself stuck and am mentally blank to the solution. My current code compares the 2 arrays and returns matches. If I set the if statement criteria to if (value[x] !== value[y]) {Logger.log[x]} I am shown rather undesirable output.
Current function as below:
function getAttendees() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Attendees');
var inviteSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Invitees');
var inviteLRow = inviteSheet.getLastRow();
var inviteRange = inviteSheet.getRange("K2:K" + inviteLRow);
var getInvite = inviteRange.getValues();
var attendLRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var getAttendRange = sheet.getRange("A2:A" + attendLRow)
var getAttend = getAttendRange.getValues();
for (var v = 0; v < getAttend.length; v++) {
var vn = v + 2;
for (var e = 0; e < getInvite.length; e++) {
var en = e + 1;
if (getAttend[v].toString() !== getInvite[e].toString()) {
Logger.log(getAttend[v] + " attended training.");
If I can return the items not in the "Attendees" array, I can trigger the email function (pretty sure I have that one in the bag already.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Will buy digital coffee for whoever fixes it... If I figured it out, I get coffee.