Is it possible to show our current posotion on Android emulator? If yes how?
Thank You.
Is it possible to show our current posotion on Android emulator? If yes how?
Thank You.
You need to set the latitude and longitude in case of emulator because emulator do not have gps detection hardrware to get current location.
telnet localhost 5554
geo fix <longitude value> <latitude value> For ex: geo fix 68.54546 37.5117579
You can fake GPS location data on emulator using DDMS which is explained here: and here:
You can interact with an emulator instance through its shell.
telnet localhost 5554
, you are now in emulator
,it will show available commands , like faking a call, sms, battery <command name>
.help geo
, it will print available location commands.geo fix 1 1