I'm developing a Google Chrome packaged app right now.
I'm going to use webview tag to embed webpages for this app that I'm working on.
And I was reading this document below that describe webview tag.
But, I didn't quite understand what this is for.
Could anyone please explain what partition attribute is for?
<webview id="foo" src="http://www.google.com/" style="width:640px; height:480px" partition="persist:googlepluswidgets"></webview>
Storage partition ID used by the webview tag. If the storage partition ID starts with persist: (partition="persist:googlepluswidgets"), the webview will use a persistent storage partition available to all guests in the app with the same storage partition ID. If the ID is unset or if there is no 'persist': prefix, the webview will use an in-memory storage partition. This value can only be modified before the first navigation, since the storage partition of an active renderer process cannot change. Subsequent attempts to modify the value will fail with a DOM exception. By assigning the same partition ID, multiple webviews can share the same storage partition.