I am trying to create round corners for a UIView with in a custom TableViewCell. The problem is when the table view loads, it only rounds the Top Left corner of the view and not the bottom one. Now when i scroll the table view little bit, it rounds the bottom left part of the view as well.
I have tried every possible method but i can't get my head around it. I am also attaching the screenshots as well as copying the code. Thanks
The code that i am using in the custom view cell class is below.
class FoodTVCell: UITableViewCell {
var food: Food!
@IBOutlet weak var foodPicture: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var foodName: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var foodRating: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var deliveryTime: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var minOrder: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var category: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var foodPriceLabelBG: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var foodPrice: UILabel!
override func awakeFromNib() {
foodPicture.layer.cornerRadius = 75/2
foodPicture.clipsToBounds = true
override func layoutSubviews() {
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
let corners = UIRectCorner.TopLeft.union(UIRectCorner.BottomLeft)
maskLayer.path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: foodPriceLabelBG.bounds, byRoundingCorners: corners, cornerRadii: CGSizeMake(20.0, 20.0)).CGPath
foodPriceLabelBG.layer.mask = maskLayer
foodPriceLabelBG.clipsToBounds = true