Speed-up inverse calculation of weighted least squ

2019-09-05 08:14发布


I need to speed up the calculation of the mean estimate of beta in a WLS in R - I was able to speed up the covariance calculation thanks to SO, and now I am wondering if there is another trick to also speed up the mean calculation (or if what I am doing is already efficient enough).

n = 10000
y = rnorm(n, 3, 0.4)
X = matrix(c(rnorm(n,1,2), sample(c(1,-1), n, replace = TRUE), rnorm(n,2,0.5)), nrow = n, ncol = 3)
Q = diag(rnorm(n, 1.5, 0.3))
wls.cov.matrix = crossprod(X / sqrt(diag(Q)))
Q.inv = diag(1/diag(Q))
wls.mean = wls.cov.matrix%*%t(X)%*%Q.inv%*%y

Is there another similar trick as in wls.cov.matrix crossprod to speed up the whole mean calculation, or no need? Thanks!


The main gain in the performance would be achieved by not having any n-by-n matrices along the way. I mean not having the Q matrix, only working with its diagonal.

Building on the answer by @Roland:

Qdiag = rnorm(n, 1.5, 0.3);
Q = diag(Qdiag);

wls.mean3 <- wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X/Qdiag, y);
all.equal(wls.mean, wls.mean3)
microbenchmark(wls.cov.matrix %*% t(X) %*% Q.inv %*% y,
               wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X, Q.inv) %*% y,
               wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X/Qdiag, y),
#      wls.cov.matrix %*% t(X) %*% Q.inv %*% y 358050.195 363713.250 368820.818 372414.747 374824.56     5
# wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X, Q.inv) %*% y  79449.856  81411.195  84616.706  85351.968  88108.62     5
#     wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X/Qdiag, y)    279.092    284.867    285.252    291.796    295.26     5


In the answer to your last question you were taught crossprod. Use that function again:

n = 1e4
y = rnorm(n, 3, 0.4)
X = matrix(c(rnorm(n,1,2), sample(c(1,-1), n, replace = TRUE), rnorm(n,2,0.5)), nrow = n, ncol = 3)
Q = diag(rnorm(n, 1.5, 0.3))
wls.cov.matrix = crossprod(X / sqrt(diag(Q)))
Q.inv = diag(1/diag(Q))
wls.mean = wls.cov.matrix%*%t(X)%*%Q.inv%*%y
wls.mean2 <- wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X, Q.inv) %*% y
all.equal(wls.mean, wls.mean2)
#[1] TRUE

microbenchmark(wls.cov.matrix %*% t(X) %*% Q.inv %*% y,
               wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X, Q.inv) %*% y,

#Unit: milliseconds
#                                        expr       min        lq    median       uq       max neval
#     wls.cov.matrix %*% t(X) %*% Q.inv %*% y 1019.3955 1022.1679 1022.2766 1024.540 1025.9131     5
#wls.cov.matrix %*% crossprod(X, Q.inv) %*% y  314.0622  315.3588  315.3933  317.024  317.1142     5

More performance improvements might be possible with some matrix algebra tricks, but that is not my forte.