ZF2 Use non-en default locale for default Validato

2019-09-05 07:57发布


I'm fighting with ZF2 to force one specific validation messages translation for any incoming browser locale. So I just want ZF2 to always use it's own provided translations of error messages to russian, this file: \vendor\zendframework\zendframework\resources\languages\ru\Zend_Validate.php

I've tried creating Translator and setting it as Default at onBootstrap:

$translator = new \Zend\Mvc\I18n\Translator();

As this topic suggests - Zend Framework 2 - Translate Standard Form Validation and Error messages but no effect!

I've tried forcing Locale at module config with the same no results:

'translator' => array(
    'locale' => 'ru_RU'

I'm not sure, maybe something is wrong with translation file URL? Cause when I try Z-Dumb the translator, it claims having 1 file registered by 0 messages.

Anyway, what is the easiest way to force default validator translation to always be russian?

Big thanks!


The path you mention is \resources\languages\ru\Zend_Validate.php but the path in your config is \resources\languages\Zend_Validate.php. Mind the difference of the folder ru.

I would expect this already makes quite a difference. If not, can you try to force the locale with this added in your onBootstrap():
