I'm processing headers of a .fasta file (which is a file universally used in genetics/bioinformatics to store DNA/RNA sequence data). Fasta files have headers starting with a > symbol (which gives specific info), followed by the actual sequence data on the next line that the header describes. The sequence data extends indefinitely until the next \n after which is followed the next header and its respective sequence. For example:
and so on...
So, I have a problem with the fasta headers of the genome for the organism with which I am working with. Unfortunately the perl expertise needed to solve this problem seems to be beyond my current skill level :S So I was hoping someone on here could show me how it can be done.
My genome consists of about 25000 fasta headers and their respective sequences, the headers in their current state are giving me a lot of trouble with sequence aligners I am trying to use, so I have to simplify them significantly. Here is an example of my first few headers:
Essentially I would like to refine these to look like this:
Or perhaps even this (but this seems like it would be more complicated):
What I'm doing here is getting rid of all the size data for each scaffold of the genome. For scaffolds that happen to be fragmented, I'd like to denote them with a,b,c,d etc. There are a few scaffolds with more than 26 fragments so perhaps I could denote them with x, y, z, A, B, C, D .... etc..
I was thinking to do this with a simple replace foreach loop similar to this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
### Open the files
$gen = './Hc_genome/haemonchus_V1.fa';
open(FASTAFILE, $gen);
@lines = <FASTAFILE>;
#print @lines;
###Add an @ symbol to the start of the label
my @refined;
foreach my $lines (@lines){
chomp $lines;
$lines =~ s/match everything after .1/replace it with a, b, c.. etc/g;
push @refined, $lines;
#print @refined;
###Push the array on to a new fasta file
open FILE3, "> ./Hc_genome/modded_haemonchus_V1.fa" or die "Cannot open output.txt: $!";
foreach (@refined)
print FILE3 "$_\n"; # Print each entry in our array to the file
close FILE3;
But I don't know have to build in the added alphabetical label additions between the $1 and the \n in the match and replace operator. Essentially because I'm not sure how to do it sequentially through the alphabet for each fragment of a particular scaffold (All I could manage is to add an a to the start of each one...)
Please if you don't mind, let me know how I might achieve this!
Much appreciated!