Let's say I have a text file contains a bunch of cidr ip ranges like this:
and goes on...
How can I convert these cidr notations to all possible ip list in a new text file in Python?
If you don't need the satisfaction of writing your script from scratch, you could use the python cidrize package.
You can use netaddr for this. The code below will create a file on your disk and fill it with every ip address in the requested block:
from netaddr import *
f = open("everyip.txt", "w")
ip = IPNetwork('')
for addr in ip:
f.write(str(addr) + '\n')
based off How can I generate all possible IPs from a list of ip ranges in Python?
import struct, socket
def ips(start, end):
start = struct.unpack('>I', socket.inet_aton(start))[0]
end = struct.unpack('>I', socket.inet_aton(end))[0]
return [socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', i)) for i in range(start, end)]
# ip/CIDR
ip = ''
CIDR = 10
i = struct.unpack('>I', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] # number
# 175893026
start = (i >> CIDR) << CIDR # shift right end left to make 0 bits
end = i | ((1 << CIDR) - 1) # or with 11111 to make highest number
start = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', start)) # real ip address
end = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', end))
ips(start, end)