Translating jQuery to Coffeescript

2019-09-05 06:30发布


I posted a confusing question before. Long story short, I have a bit of jQuery working close to the way I want, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work in CoffeeScript.

When I try it different ways in CS the "on search" event triggers as soon as the page is loaded. I can't get it to just attach to the dataTable as I do in jQuery.

I'm sure it's something simple and dumb.

Here's the code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#customers').dataTable( {
        "sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
        "aaSorting": [],
        "ordering": false
    } );

            .on( 'search.dt',  function () { $('.nested_indent').hide(); } )

} );

The most recent CS version is here (the one that trips every time the page loads.)

jQuery ->
        "sPaginationType": "bootstrap"
        "aaSorting": []
        "ordering": false
    ).$('#customers').on( 'search.dt',  
         $('.nested_indent').hide() )


There are 2 differences towards the end from the JavaScript version:

).$('#customers').on( 'search.dt',  
     $('.nested_indent').hide() )

The first is the . before $('#customers'). This attempts to use $ as a method rather than a global. You'll want to remove the . and insert a line break with matching indentation.

The second is that the function that was around $('.nested_indent').hide() is missing. You'll have to include at least -> to define one, as you have with jQuery ->.

)  # 1) separate statements with line break

$('#customers').on( 'search.dt', ->  # 2) wrap `hide` in a `function`
     $('.nested_indent').hide() )

The 2nd difference is why you're seeing:

[...] the "on search" event triggers as soon as the page is loaded.

Without the ->, the .hide() statement is being called immediately and its return value is being passed to .on(), so it isn't actually bound to the event.


The problem is not that the event is getting triggered on page load, but that you are passing $('.nested_indent').hide() is getting run on page load because you are not passing it in a function in your CS as you are doing in your JavaScript.

What you want is:

jQuery ->
        "sPaginationType": "bootstrap"
        "aaSorting": []
        "ordering": false

    $('#customers').on 'search.dt', ->