Thanks in advance for your support.
I have the date formats as dd/MMM/YY
and need to be converted into the another format dd-MM-YYYY
using XSL
The problem here is, year is in short format need to be converted into long format. How can the year be determined ?
Here are few examples,
dd/MMM/YY - dd-MM-YYYY
01/FEB/91 - 01-02-1991.
13/APR/13 - 13-04-2013.
Using string manipulations,XSL
it can be converted to long format but actual year cannot be determined.
For example
can be converted to 01-02-1991
or 01-02-2091
using string functions.
So, how to get the actual date using XSL 1.0 or XSL 2.0
You need to think about what you're asking. XSLT has no way of knowing whether 01/FEB/91 means 01-02-1991 or 01-02-2091 or 01-02-1891. You need to decide where the cutoff year is.
You could make the cutoff 2013 and do this:
<xsl:variable name="longYear"
select="$shortYear + 2000 - (100 * ($shortYear > 13))" />
This will result in 20XX for years less than or equal to 13, and 19XX for years greater than 13.
In its own template:
<xsl:template name="LongYear">
<xsl:param name="shortYear" select="." />
<xsl:param name="cutoff" select="13" />
<xsl:value-of select="$shortYear + 2000 - (100 * ($shortYear > $cutoff))" />
Which you can invoke with:
<xsl:call-template name="LongYear">
<xsl:with-param name="shortYear" select="substring(Date, 8, 2)" />
You can use customized java function in xslt as this date conversion is possible in Java for the same.