I have been able to to successfully display all the nodes in a nice tree on the frontend, but the problem comes with rendering of the actual pages.
So I have 2 parents, Dog
and Cat
, and withing them I have multiple child nodes.
I have created a frontend module named animals
that has an empty indexSuccess.php
In my actions.class.php
file i have:
$this->animal = AnimalTable::getAnimalBySlug($request->getParameter('slug'));
In my Animal model
public static function getAnimalBySlug($slug)
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Animal a')
->where("a.slug = ?", $slug);
return $q->fetchOne();
I have a very basic route:
url: /:slug
param: { module: animals, action: index }
So you see this will work fine for /dog
(parent node), but not for /dog/sheep-dog
I'm not sure If i need to update my getAnimalBySlug
and the route to take a dynamic route ini terms of a nestedSet.