how to upload file from codeigniter app to dropbox

2019-09-05 05:22发布


I have a controller to upload image to my web server. I want to upload that image to dropbox as well during the process. how would I do it?

This is my simple upload.php controller:

function index() {
    // get the binary data
    $file = file_get_contents("php://input");

    // prepare new name for upload image
    $name =rand().time().'jpg';

    $path = site_url('photo');

    // save to server directory
    file_put_contents($path.$name, $file);

    // save the name and id of the post to post photo table
    $input =  array(    'name' => $name,
                        'post_id'=> $id

    $this->db->insert('post_photo', $input);



This blogpost has complete tutorial
how to use Dropbox api with codigniter using THIS CodeIgniter-Dropbox-API-Library


try this its working good, for drop box create one new folder and just copy past the URL instead of" /upload " replace by /drop box URL


        echo "uploaded";
        echo "not";