Go worker pool with repetitive queue structure

2019-09-05 05:37发布


I'm trying make worker pool with looped queue. Is my code idiomatic for Go? And how can I solve concurrent access to *Item? Pool processing 1 item at time and *Item don't shared between workers, but sometimes I need change *Item from main thread. Should I place mutex at every *Item and when I should lock/unlock it? Or maybe some other structure is possible?

var items = make(map[uint8]*Item)

func worker(queue, done chan uint8) {
    for id := range queue {
        item := items[id]

        // get from http request
        n := ...

        if item.Count > n {
            ... // perform some actions with id

        done<- id

func dispatcher() {
    queue := make(chan uint8, 100)
    done := make(chan uint8, 100)

    for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
        go worker(queue, done)

    for id := range jobs {
        queue<- id

    for {
        select {
            case id := <-done:
                queue<- id

And main:

func main() {
    go dispatcher()

    for {
        var id, count uint8
        fmt.Scan(&id, &count)
        // modifying
        items[id].Count = count

P.S. Sorry for my bad English.