detecting dangerous unix command line metacharacte

2019-09-05 04:51发布


I'm working on a web application that has some api calls that send arguments for command line operations. For example, (using jquery), an api call like:


might execute a command line like:

php a.php data

in that case, if the content of data was "whatever;rm -rf *;", two commands would be executed

  1. php a.php watever;
  2. rm -rf *;

And I don't want to take that risk.

My problem is not detecting when a character is part of the data string, my problem is knowing which chars should I look for?

I'm adding a list of shell command metacharacters. Please specify which characters are risky and which combination of characters (if any) are risky.

NOTE: Taken from:

The shell meta characters include:

\ / < > ! $ % ^ & * | { } [ ] " ' ` ~ ;

NOTE 2: There may be other characters, please, if you know another add it or comment and I'll add it.

NOTE 3: My problem is similar to what might happen with sql injection. when someone adds hidden querys inside search text-boxes, but in my case, the problem is with shell commands. To prevent sql injection you can look at this.


That's exactly what escapeshellarg is for.


You are much better off trying to define what characters are allowed in the input, and check that the input only contains those, i.e. a "white-list" approach.

标签: php linux unix web