I use Github Pages for my personal website. They're upgrading from Jekyll 2 to Jekyll 3 and sending deprecation warnings. I complied with their warnings and switched from redcarpet to kramdown and from pygments to rouge. When I build locally (with bundle exec jekyll serve
) everything works. But when I push the changes the syntax highlighting gets mangled wherever I have linenos
in my code blocks.
This is the code block:
{% highlight python linenos %}
scrape lyrics from vagalume.com.br
(author: thiagomarzagao.com)
import json
import time
import pickle
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# get each genre's URL
basepath = 'http://www.vagalume.com.br'
r = requests.get(basepath + '/browse/style/')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
genres = [u'Rock']
genre_urls = {}
for genre in genres:
genre_urls[genre] = soup.find('a', class_ = 'eA', text = genre).get('href')
# get each artist's URL, per genre
artist_urls = {e: [] for e in genres}
for genre in genres:
r = requests.get(basepath + genre_urls[genre])
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
counter = 0
for artist in soup.find_all('a', class_ = 'top'):
counter += 1
print 'artist {} \r'.format(counter)
artist_urls[genre].append(basepath + artist.get('href'))
time.sleep(2) # don't reduce the 2-second wait (here or below) or you get errors
# get each lyrics, per genre
api = 'http://api.vagalume.com.br/search.php?musid='
genre_lyrics = {e: {} for e in genres}
for genre in artist_urls:
print len(artist_urls[genre])
counter = 0
artist1 = None
for url in artist_urls[genre]:
success = False
while not success: # foor loop in case your connection flickers
r = requests.get(url)
success = True
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
hrefs = soup.find_all('a')
for href in hrefs:
if href.has_attr('data-song'):
song_id = href['data-song']
print song_id
success = False
while not success:
song_metadata = requests.get(api + song_id).json()
success = True
if 'mus' in song_metadata:
if 'lang' in song_metadata['mus'][0]: # discard if no language info
language = song_metadata['mus'][0]['lang']
if language == 1: # discard if language != Portuguese
if 'text' in song_metadata['mus'][0]: # discard if no lyrics
artist2 = song_metadata['art']['name']
if artist2 != artist1:
if counter > 0:
print artist1.encode('utf-8') # change as needed
genre_lyrics[genre][artist1] = artist_lyrics
artist1 = artist2
artist_lyrics = []
lyrics = song_metadata['mus'][0]['text']
counter += 1
print 'lyrics {} \r'.format(counter)
# serialize
with open(genre + '.json', mode = 'wb') as fbuffer:
json.dump(genre_lyrics[genre], fbuffer)
{% endhighlight %}
This is what I see locally:
This is what I see on Github Pages:
(Without linenos
the syntax highlighting works fine.)
What could be happening?