Ok, here's the code where I setup everything:
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.debug = False
applogger = app.logger
file_handler = FileHandler("error.log")
What happens is
- error.log gets created
- Nothing is ever written to it
- Despite not adding a StreamHandler and setting debug to false I still get everything to STDOUT (this might be correct, but still seems weird)
Am I totally off here somewhere or what is happening?
Why not do it like this:
if __name__ == '__main__':
init_db() # or whatever you need to do
import logging
If you now start you application, you'll see that error.log contains:
INFO:werkzeug: * Running on
For more info, visit http://docs.python.org/2/howto/logging.html
Okay, as you insist that you cannot have two handler with the method I showed you, I'll add an example that makes this quite clear. First, add this logging code to your main:
import logging, logging.config, yaml
Now also add some debug code, so that we see that our setup works:
logfile = logging.getLogger('file')
logconsole = logging.getLogger('console')
logfile.debug("Debug FILE")
logconsole.debug("Debug CONSOLE")
All what is left is the "logging.conf" program. Let's use that:
version: 1
format: 'HI %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
format: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
class: logging.StreamHandler
level: DEBUG
formatter: hiformat
stream: ext://sys.stdout
class: logging.FileHandler
level: DEBUG
formatter: simple
filename: errors.log
level: DEBUG
handlers: [console]
propagate: no
level: DEBUG
handlers: [file]
propagate: no
level: DEBUG
handlers: [console,file]
This config is more complicated than needed, but it also shows some features of the logging module.
Now, when we run our application, we see this output (werkzeug- and console-logger):
HI 2013-07-22 16:36:13,475 - console - DEBUG - Debug CONSOLE
HI 2013-07-22 16:36:13,477 - werkzeug - INFO - * Running on
Also note that the custom formatter with the "HI" was used.
Now look at the "errors.log" file. It contains:
2013-07-22 16:36:13,475 - file - DEBUG - Debug FILE
2013-07-22 16:36:13,477 - werkzeug - INFO - * Running on
Ok, my failure stemmed from two misconceptions:
1) Flask will apparently ignore all your custom logging unless it is running in production mode
2) debug=False is not enough to let it run in production mode. You have to wrap the app in any sort of WSGI server to do so
After i started the app from gevent's WSGI server (and moving logging initialization to a more appropriate place) everything seems to work fine
The output you see in the console of your app is from the underlying Werkzeug logger that can be accessed through logging.getLogger('werkzeug').
Your logging can function in both development and release by also adding handlers to that logger as well as the Flask one.
More information and example code: Write Flask Requests to an Access Log.
I didn't like the other answers so I kept at it and it seems like I had to make my logging config AFTER Flask did it's own setup.
def initialize():
logger = logging.getLogger("your_package_name")
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter(
"""%(levelname)s in %(module)s [%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]:\n%(message)s"""
My app is structured like
__main__.py <- where I put my logging configuration
__init__.py <- conveniance for myself, not necessary
/package_name <- Actual flask app
Following these directions http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/patterns/packages/
This works:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import logging
logFormatStr = '[%(asctime)s] p%(process)s {%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(format = logFormatStr, filename = "global.log", level=logging.DEBUG)
formatter = logging.Formatter(logFormatStr,'%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("summary.log")
streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
app.logger.info("Logging is set up.")
app.run(host='', port=8000, threaded=True)
Why not take a dive in the code and see...
The module we land on is flask.logging.py
, which defines a function named create_logger(app)
. Inspecting that function will give a few clues as to potential culprits when troubleshooting logging issues with Flask.
EDIT: this answer was meant for Flask prior to version 1. The flask.logging.py
module has considerably changed since then. The answer still helps with some general caveats and advices regarding python logging, but be aware that some of Flask's peculiarities in that regard have been addressed in version 1 and might no longer apply.
The first possible cause of conflicts in that function is this line:
logger = getLogger(app.logger_name)
Let's see why:
The variable app.logger_name
is set in the Flask.__init__()
method to the value of import_name
, which is itself the receiving parameter of Flask(__name__)
. That is app.logger_name
is assigned the value of __name__
, which will likely be the name of your main package, let's for this example call it 'awesomeapp'.
Now, imagine that you decided to configure and create your own logger manually. What do you think the chances are that if your project is named "awesomeapp" you would also use that name to configure your logger, I think it's pretty likely.
my_logger = logging.getLogger('awesomeapp') # doesn't seem like a bad idea
fh = logging.FileHandler('/tmp/my_own_log.log')
It makes sense to do this... except for a few problems.
When the Flask.logger
property is invoked for the first time it will in turn call the function flask.logging.create_logger()
and the following actions will ensue:
logger = getLogger(app.logger_name)
Remember how you named your logger after the project and how app.logger_name
shares that name too? What happens in the line of code above is that the function logging.getLogger()
has now retrieved your previously created logger and the following instructions are about to mess with it in a way that will have you scratching your head later. For instance
del logger.handlers[:]
Poof, you just lost all the handlers you may have previously registered with your logger.
Other things that happen within the function, without going much into details. It creates and registers two logging.StreamHandler
objects that can spit out to sys.stderr
and/or Response
objects. One for log level 'debug' and another for 'production'.
class DebugLogger(Logger):
def getEffectiveLevel(self):
if self.level == 0 and app.debug:
return DEBUG
return Logger.getEffectiveLevel(self)
class DebugHandler(StreamHandler):
def emit(self, record):
if app.debug and _should_log_for(app, 'debug'):
StreamHandler.emit(self, record)
class ProductionHandler(StreamHandler):
def emit(self, record):
if not app.debug and _should_log_for(app, 'production'):
StreamHandler.emit(self, record)
debug_handler = DebugHandler()
prod_handler = ProductionHandler(_proxy_stream)
logger.__class__ = DebugLogger
With the above details to light it should become clearer why our manually configured logger and handlers misbehave when Flask gets involved. The new information gives us new options though. If you still want to keep separate handlers, the simplest approach is to name your logger to something different than the project (e.g. my_logger = getLogger('awesomeapp_logger')
). Another approach, if you want to be consistent with the logging protocols in Flask, is to register a logging.FileHandler
object on Flask.logger
using a similar approach to Flask.
import logging
def set_file_logging_handler(app):
logging_path = app.config['LOGGING_PATH']
class DebugFileHandler(logging.FileHandler):
def emit(self, record):
# if your app is configured for debugging
# and the logger has been set to DEBUG level (the lowest)
# push the message to the file
if app.debug and app.logger.level==logging.DEBUG:
super(DebugFileHandler, self).emit(record)
debug_file_handler = DebugFileHandler('/tmp/my_own_log.log')
app = Flask(__name__)
# the config presumably has the debug settings for your app
app.logger.info('show me something')