as the title says , I think it will be nice if there was config property that we can set in order to specify after how many milliseconds(or seconds ) the fingerprinting should be done on the file. According to the documentation, it is done at the start of the song but after playing for a while with the " GNOperations.recognizeMIDFileFromFile" method, I did realized that some songs that couldn't be identified where strangely identifiable by " GNOperations.recognizeMIDStreamFromMic" method. I did noticed that those songs that couldn't be identified had some special dj sound effects at the beginning of the song that were present on the original release of the song. My guess is the fact that fingerprinting did failed because it was starting at the beginning of the file instead of starting 5 or 10 seconds after the beginning of the file.
I will be nice to hear comment from someone of the Gracenote team on that feature request.