Good morning everyone,
I'm having problems again in my proccess to create my first app. This time with the SharedPreferences file.
I have 2 activities that must use the same SharedPreferences file. The first one is the MainActivity and the second one an edit layout for the data.
In the MainActivity I have the following method where I use the data to connect to a PLC:
//initialize the SharedPreferences variables for the PLC Data and Connection
m_DataPLC = getSharedPreferences("CFTPreferences",CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY);
m_DataEditorPLC = m_DataPLC.edit();
//Gets the number from the IP Address for the connection with the PLC
//As default, the system takes the value of a static string value
//This is when the SharedPreferences file is empty
m_IpAddress = getResources().getString(R.string.ip_Address);
m_NewIpAddress = m_DataPLC.getString("newIpAddress", m_NewIpAddress);
if(m_NewIpAddress == null)
m_DataEditorPLC.putString("newIpAddress", m_IpAddress.toString());
m_OldIpAddress = m_NewIpAddress = m_IpAddress;
m_OldIpAddress = m_IpAddress = m_NewIpAddress;
//Start the connection with the PLC
m_Connection = new ModbusConnection(this,m_IpAddress);
inet = m_Connection.loginPLC();
In my second activity, I have to load the same data and be able to modify it. What I do first is the login to the SharedPreferencesFile:
dataPLC = getSharedPreferences("CFTPreferences",CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY);
dataEditorPLC = dataPLC.edit();
Then I do the writing with a click action of a button:
public void setIPAddress()
if (!newIpAddress.equals(etIPAddress.getText().toString()))
I dunno if I'm doing wrong calling the same file twice or if I have to do something extra to mend this. It looks like it does the update, but it doesn't refresh the MainActivity. If someone had some sort of the same problem, I would appreciate the help on this one!!!.
Many thanks in advance!!!