I'm using IMAPI2 in C# to burn a list of files to a multisession disk. But I want To be able to burn those files into a directory in the disk. Right now this is what I have
fileSystemImage = new MsftFileSystemImage();
fileSystemImage.FileSystemsToCreate =
FsiFileSystems.FsiFileSystemJoliet | FsiFileSystems.FsiFileSystemISO9660;
if (multisessionInterfaces != null)
fileSystemImage.MultisessionInterfaces = multisessionInterfaces;
IFsiDirectoryItem rootItem = fileSystemImage.Root;
This is a round about method because I have to create a temporary folder in my drive and copy all the files I want to burn into that folder and add that folder as the burn item.
I'm Using a slightly modified version of this C# IMAPI2 wrapper to implement this http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/24544/Burning-and-Erasing-CD-DVD-Blu-ray-Media-with-C-an