For instance, I have a large filesystem that is filling up faster than I expected. So I look for what's being added:
find /rapidly_shrinking_drive/ -type f -mtime -1 -ls | less
And I find, well, lots of stuff. Thousands of files of six-seven types. I can single out a type and count them:
find /rapidly_shrinking_drive/ -name "*offender1*" -mtime -1 -ls | wc -l
but what I'd really like is to be able to get the total size on disk of these files:
find /rapidly_shrinking_drive/ -name "*offender1*" -mtime -1 | howmuchspace
I'm open to a Perl one-liner for this, if someone's got one, but I'm not going to use any solution that involves a multi-line script, or File::Find.
The command du
tells you about disk usage. Example usage for your specific case:
find rapidly_shrinking_drive/ -name "offender1" -mtime -1 -print0 | du --files0-from=- -hc | tail -n1
(Previously I wrote du -hs
, but on my machine that appears to disregard find
's input and instead summarises the size of the cwd.)
Darn, Stephan202 is right. I didn't think about du -s (summarize), so instead I used awk:
find rapidly_shrinking_drive/ -name "offender1" -mtime -1 | du | awk '{total+=$1} END{print total}'
I like the other answer better though, and it's almost certainly more efficient.
with GNU find,
find /path -name "offender" -printf "%s\n" | awk '{t+=$1}END{print t}'
I'd like to promote jason's comment above to the status of answer, because I believe it's the most mnemonic (though not the most generic, if you really gotta have the file list specified by find
$ du -hs *.nc
$ du -ch *.nc | tail -n 1
45M total
$ du -cb *.nc | tail -n 1
47033368 total
I have tried all this commands but no luck.
So I have found this one that gives me an answer:
find . -type f -mtime -30 -exec ls -l {} \; | awk '{ s+=$5 } END { print s }'
You could also use ls -l
to find their size, then awk
to extract the size:
find /rapidly_shrinking_drive/ -name "offender1" -mtime -1 | ls -l | awk '{print $5}' | sum