I am attempting to make my first iOS app and currently running into an issue.
In my game, when the ball bounces I want it to bounce back to the same height and with the same velocity. Currently it does that just fine. However, when I rotate the hexagon and it hits an angle, it ends up losing speed and not bouncing to the same height.
So my question is: How do I force the ball to maintain the same velocity upon collision?
Here is the code for my Ball node:
func createBallNode(ballColor: String) -> SKSpriteNode {
let ball = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: ballColor)
ball.position = CGPoint(x: CGRectGetMidX(frame), y: CGRectGetMidY(frame)+30)
ball.zPosition = 1
ball.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: ball.size.width/2)
ball.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = true
ball.physicsBody?.restitution = 1
ball.physicsBody?.linearDamping = 0
ball.physicsBody?.friction = 0
ball.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = ColliderType.Ball.rawValue
ball.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = ColliderType.Rect.rawValue
ball.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = ColliderType.Rect.rawValue
let centerX = ball.position.x
let range = SKRange(lowerLimit: centerX, upperLimit: centerX)
let constraint = SKConstraint.positionX(range)
ball.constraints = [constraint]
return ball
Below is a GIF explaining the problem in a visual form: