Is it possible to link to a line number in a html file? I want to link someone to part of a very large document which is on a webpage but the whole thing is in one tag so is not split into sections with IDs I can link to.
Here is the page I'm talking to, id like to link to "LEVEL 46" can I do this?
I would be just as happy with another workaround such as searching for the text or anything, I assume this could be made more complicated by it being in various wrappers, assuming it was just a plain .txt file could you do it?
Edit: im not writing the web page im trying to link to a part of someone elses, so i cannot add IDs etc
<a href="#a-place-in-the-document></a>
<h1 id="a-place-in-the-document">There's a link to here!</h1>
The link will have the page jump to the element with the specified ID.
For example:
will link to
and immediately go to the element with ID of hello
In the case where you can't have IDs (such as in text files on gamefaqs), you'd need to provide a search string, for people to quickly search and find whatever section you need (such as [LV46]
), and have your readers to search for it.
No it doesn't appear to be possible.
You would need to convert all of your Headings into anchor tags.
So for your example the link would be:
<a href="#Level46">
The heading itself would be:
<h1 id="Level46">Level 46</h1>
Hope this helps.
If it is just a text file, or a collection of text files in a directory structure, you can create a parallel directory structure so people can browse
and generate line numbers and/or anchors to individual lines on the fly, even if other non-text files are under the /holdings/ tree, with an Apache HTTPd AliasMatch like this
AliasMatch /byline/holdings/.*[.](asc|cat|lbl|tab|txt) /path/cgi-bin/pds_byline.cgi
and a symlink e.g. assuming your tree is under top/ e.g. top/holdings/,
ln -s . .../top/byline
and a simple script (cgi-bin/pds_byline.cgi above) that converts the text file to HTML on the fly. I have created a Git repo to do just that here; that is configured for Planetary Data System (PDS) data sets under
You would of course need access to the Apache HTTPd configuration files (/etc/httpd/conf/conf//.conf) to do this, to put in a
<Directory .../top/cgi-bin>
AllowOverride All
entry to use a .htaccess file in cgi-bin/, and the AliasMatch above, at a minimum. N.B. AliasMatch cannot go into the .htaccess file.
Caveat: this only creates anchors by line number; if the file changes over time then existing links to those line numbers will be broken; you could of course do the same thing instead looking for specific text strings like "Level 46" and inserting the relevant anchors on the fly.
<a name="destination" id="destination"></a>Destination anchors
<a href="#destination">Destination anchors </a>
Maybe you could define an anchor for the specific line as, for example, a section element. Then you could link to that anchor.
<section name"sec1">
<a href="sec1">