HTML & PHPMySQL , Insert many datas into Table fro

2019-09-05 00:22发布


Hi I'm trying to insert datas from one textbox (Text Area) but datas should be terminated by lines FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\n'

My HTML is

    <form method="get" id="testformid" action="upload-datas.php">
    <input type="submit" />
<textarea form ="testformid" name="taname" id="taid" cols="35" wrap="soft"></textarea>

Now if I write in this textare datas like


How can I make my upload-datas.php to terminate datas which it gets from the form on top? P.s this is something like CVS file but I like to make it inserting data from textarea!


A couple changes that should suffice:

  • As RiggsFolly mentioned, the textarea should be moved into the form
  • I would make the form submit method POST instead of GET. That way the data won't be appended to the URL (i.e. in the query string).

    <form method="post" id="testformid">

  • Delimit the new line character (i.e. \n) using double quotes: e.g. $lines = explode("\n",$_POST['taname']);

  • Use mysqli functions (e.g. mysqli_connect(), mysqli_prepare(), mysqli_bind_param() and mysqli_execute()) or PDO functions to insert the data into the database


The call to mysqli_bind_param() must be called with all parameters at once, instead of once per parameter. In order to do this with a varying number of parameters, we must use a technique like the one described in this article.

    $lines = array();
    $output = '';
    if(array_key_exists('taname',$_POST) && $_POST['taname']) {
        $lines = explode("\n",$_POST['taname']);

        //define $host, $username, $pw, $databaseName before this
        //$host = 'localhost';...etc...
        $connection = mysqli_connect($host,$username, $pw, $databaseName);
        if ($connection) {
            $paramHolders = array_map(function() { return '?';},$lines);

            //update tablename, column name accordingly 
            $insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO tableName (columnName) VALUES ('.implode('), (',$paramHolders).')';
            $statement = mysqli_prepare($connection,$insertQuery);
            //this will be used as the first param to mysql_stmt_bind_param
            // e.g. 'ssss' - one 's' for each line
            $types = str_repeat('s',count($lines));
            $params = array($statement,&$types);
            //add each line by-reference to the list of parameters
            foreach($lines as $index=>$line) {
                $output .= '<div>inserted line: '.$line.'</div>';
                $params[] = &$lines[$index];
            //call mysql_bind_param() with the varying number of arguments
            <form method="post" id="testformid">
                <textarea name="taname" id="taid" cols="35" wrap="soft"></textarea>
                <input type="submit"/>
            <? echo $output; ?>