Building from my last post I want to use selectInput to allow users to plot as many regions as they wanna plot.
My data looks like this:
Year Ratio Region
1983 Q1 2.9 Northern
1983 Q2 3 Northern
1983 Q3 3.1 Northern
1983 Q4 3 Northern
2015 Q2 5.1 UK
2015 Q3 5.1 UK
2015 Q4 5.2 UK
2016 Q1 5.2 UK
server.R snippet
houseratio <- read.csv("houseratio.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
output$housePlot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data=houseratio[,input$region_choose], aes(x=Year, y=Ratio, group=Region, colour=Region)) +
geom_line() +
ui.r snippet
checkboxGroupInput("region_choose", label = "Choose a region",
choices = c("The North"="Northern", "Yorkshire & Humber" = "Yorks & H",
"North West"="NW","East Midlands"="East Mids",
"West Midlands"="West Mids", "East Anglia"="East Anglia",
"Outer South East"="Outer SE", "Outer Met"="Outer Met",
"London"="London", "South West"="SW", "Wales"="Wales",
"Northern Ireland"="NI", "UK"="UK")
This post and this post kinda helped but as my data is in long format it didn't seem to work (also because they're selectInput but weh).
Any help would be appreciated, if I've missed anything crucial- sorry, what is it?