There was a know issue in the multiline filter that it doesn't print the last part of input being filtered as it is still waiting for a pattern to follow and it isn't flushed out.
Has the issue been resolved. If so how?Is there a tag to flush out the last part?
The flushing feature is supposed to be in logstash 1.5 according to this JIRA: although an "experimental" feature of 1.4.2 added enable_flush
to the multiline filter. I have not personally tested to see if that fixes the flushing issue with the last event.
With Logstash 5.1.1 there is auto_flush_interval
The accumulation of multiple lines will be converted to an event when either a matching new line is seen or there has been no new data appended for this time auto_flush_interval. No default. If unset, no auto_flush .
Source: docs
Simply set
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^%{DATESTAMP_OTHER}"
what => "previous"
negate => true
# set to time in secs when to flush
auto_flush_interval => 15