On an Apple device go to Setting -> General -> About
Look at "Version" of device in About page.
It should say something like "Version 9.0 (13A344)"
I know how to get the 9.0 programmatically in objective-C.
How can I get BuildID (i.e. 13A344) ?
I think BuildID is the correct term to use, based on what I see on http://www.ipsw.me/9.0
I could be wrong though.
You could poll the SystemVersion.plist like so:
NSDictionary *systemVersion = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:@"/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"];
if (systemVersion != nil) {
NSString *sysInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ (Build %@)",
[systemVersion objectForKey:@"ProductName"],
[systemVersion objectForKey:@"ProductVersion"],
[systemVersion objectForKey:@"ProductBuildVersion"]];
This will get you:
ProductBuildVersion = 13E238;
ProductCopyright = "1983-2016 Apple Inc.";
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductVersion = "9.3.1";