I am working on a WX-MPL app to display and interactively process data based on user input. I am having a difficulties setting up the MPL mouse events to work within the WX app.
The goal is to have a series of editable vertical lines that delineate the begin and end times for features which have been identified in earlier processing. Users should be able to drag the lines along the x-axis, delete unwanted lines, and insert new lines.
So far I have been able to achieve this functionality using the standard MPL plot figure (I think its Tk). When I try to integrate these classes into my app, something is going astray with the event handling and I am not able to interact with the line objects or create new line objects. So I backed up a step and have been trying to add complexity into my working example to determine where the problems are coming into the picture.
When running the working example as a simple WX app, the NewVLineListener class appears to no longer receive button_press_events. Below is the code related to the the specific problem I am experiencing.
This is the first time I have worked with mouse events and I am surely missing something... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I am running WX 2.8.12 and MPL 1.1.1rc.
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import wx
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg
class NewVLineListener:
global castLog, count, dvls, ax1
lock = None # only one can be animated at a time
def __init__(self, fig):
self.fig = fig
def connect(self):
'connect to all the events we need'
self.cidpressright = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect(
'button_press_event', self.on_press_right)
def on_press_right(self, event):
global count, castLog, dvls, ax1
print event.button
if event.button != 3: return
tag = 'Begin'
# Increase castLog Key to accomodate new Vline
count += 1
print 'count: ', count
# Set castLog values to x-value of triggering event
castLog[str(count)] = { tag:event.xdata }
# Spawn a new DraggableVline instance
color_map = {'Begin':'g', 'End':'r'}
dvl = DraggableVline(self.fig, ax1.axvline(x=castLog[str(count)][tag], linewidth=2, color=color_map[tag]), count, tag)
canvas = self.fig.canvas
class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY)
global castLog, count, ax1, dvls
fig = Figure()
canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, fig)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Create empty dict that will hold new V-line Data
castLog = { }
dvls = [ ]
count = 0
# Instantiate New Vline Listener
NVL = NewVLineListener(fig)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
app.frame = MainFrame()