I'm working on a style guide and want to add syntax highlighting and code samples dynamically without having to copy/paste and escape the code for each item. The idea is that for each bb-prism
directive, I include a bb-sample
element that contains my code sample. The bb-prism
directive clones the innerHTML of the code sample, creates pre
and code
elements, and then copies the clone into the code
element. It's pretty slick except for when using ng-repeat
. Angular seems to remove the ng-repeat
before my prism
directive can copy it.
<h2>Multiple Addresses</h2>
<!-- Doesn't work with ng-repeat -->
<bb-address address="address" ng-repeat="address in addresses"> </bb-address>
The expected result is that the sample code should render:
<bb-address address="address" ng-repeat="address in addresses"> </bb-address>
Instead of:
<!-- ngRepeat: address in addresses -->
Here's a working example:
I played with numerous approaches, including using pre-compile
in a stripped down version and couldn't log the html to console.
I propose an alternate approach that will show only the original clean markup and without any angular internal classes added
It uses script tag templates, $templateCache
and ng-include
Here's a rough ( but working) proof of concept setting markup in a textarea for now
<div test template ="repeat">
<h3>repeating items example</h3>
<!-- Our snippet template -->
<script type="text/ng-template" id="repeat">
<div ng-repeat="item in items">{{item}}</div>
<!-- include same template -->
<ng-include src="'repeat'"></ng-include>
<!-- source display -->
<textarea style="width:100%"></textarea>
.directive('test', function($templateCache) {
return {
scope: {template: '@'},
link: function(scope, elem) {
var code =$templateCache.get(scope.template);
Note that there are gulp and grunt scripts that can compile whole directory of html files into $templateCache
also and put them in a run()
Another thought is use ng-include
or templateUrl(function)
for each of your html prism components and use $templateCache to get whole block of html and use find()
on that to get the uncompiled innerHTML of <bb-sample>
EDIT: More comprehensive demo