awk change once per file

2019-09-04 14:33发布


awk -i inplace '
  BEGIN {FS=" "}
  BEGINFILE {changed=0} 
  { print;if ($1 == "namespace" && !changed) {print "foo";changed=1} }
' *

Is there a more elegant way to do this? Some built-in construct I missed? I am running GNU Awk 4.1.0 (and I am superb glad for -i inplace).


awk -i inplace '$1=="namespace" && !seen[ARGIND]++ {$0=$0 ORS "foo"} 1' *

FS=" " is the default, no need to specify it explicitly.


You could say:

... -F' ' '$1 == "namespace" && !a {$0=$0 RS "foo";a=1}1' file

or even:

... -F' ' '$1 == "namespace" && !_ {$0=$0 RS "foo";_=1}1' file

As mentioned in the comment above, this is pretty similar to what you've written except that it uses the RS variable to insert the text.

In order to do this for multiple files, you'd need to reset the variable:

... -F' ' 'BEGINFILE {a=0} $1 == "namespace" && !a {$0=$0 RS "foo";a=1}1' *


... -F' ' 'FNR==1 {a=0} $1 == "namespace" && !a {$0=$0 RS "foo";a=1}1' *

标签: awk gawk