KnockoutOut JS - why are these values not binding

2019-09-04 11:15发布


I have this knockout observable array and I am trying to bind some of its values to my view. Where I am having difficulties is because its nested. I am not sure what the correct data-bind syntax is.

This is my observable array data:

I want to bind advertiserName within advertiser.

This is my HTML

<table id="tblBrand">
                <th>Brand Name</th>
                    <button data-bind='click: $root.addBrand'>Add Brand</button></th>

        <tbody data-bind="foreach: brands">
                    <input data-bind="value: brandName" readonly="true" />
                                <input data-bind="value: advertiser.advertiserName" />

                                <input data-bind="value: advertiser.advertiserRank" />
                        <a href='#' data-bind='click: $root.removeBrand' style="color: blue">Remove</a>

The way my binding works is I am looking within each brand. Each brand has an advertiser object and I want to drill into that. The second screenshot shows my syntax and what the page renders.


Because your advertiser is ko.observable you need to get its value with advertiser() if you are using it inside an expression:

           <input data-bind="value: advertiser().advertiserName" />
           <input data-bind="value: advertiser().advertiserRank" />

Or you can use the with binding:

<table data-bind="with: advertiser">
           <input data-bind="value: advertiserName" />
           <input data-bind="value: advertiserRank" />