
DT shiny R tooltip and hide column

2019-09-04 11:45发布


I'm trying to do two things on a DT data table in shiny R.

My code (example from github) is the following:


header <- dashboardHeader()

sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()

body <- dashboardBody(

  ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body),
  server = function(input, output) {

    output$mtcarsTable <- renderDataTable({
                    options = list(rowCallback = JS('
                                                    function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
                                                    // Bold and green cells for conditions
                                                    if (parseFloat(aData[4]) >= 200)
                                                    $("td:eq(3)", nRow).css("font-weight", "bold");
                                                    if (parseFloat(aData[4]) >= 100)
                                                    $("td:eq(3)", nRow).css("background-color", "#9BF59B");

As you can see I'm evaluating column 4, to give to a cell a background color as also as to define if it should be bold or not.

Is it possible to hide column 4? I just want to evaluate it, I don't want it to be shown.

My other question is if it is possible to add a tool tip only to the cells with green background? I saw that I should use the callback but I don't know how and I'm not an expert at javascript.

Thank you in advance!


Yes it is possible to add a tool tip only to the cells with green background. We have to use javascript below:

              options = list(rowCallback = JS(
                "function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {",
                "// Bold and green cells for conditions",
                "if (parseFloat(aData[4]) >= 200)",
                "$('td:eq(3)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');",
                "if (parseFloat(aData[4]) >= 100){",
                "$('td:eq(3)', nRow).css('background-color', '#9BF59B');",
                "var full_text = aData[3]",
                "$('td:eq(3)', nRow).attr('title', full_text);",


To add formattings to the tooltip I have added few more lines and it only works in shinyApp and not DT datatable. See the code below:

header <- dashboardHeader()

sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()

body <- dashboardBody(

  ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body),
  server = function(input, output) {

    output$mtcarsTable <- renderDataTable({
                    options = list(rowCallback = JS(
                      "function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {",
                      "// Bold and green cells for conditions",
                      "if (parseFloat(aData[4]) >= 200)",
                      "$('td:eq(3)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');",
                      "if (parseFloat(aData[4]) >= 100){",
                      "$('td:eq(3)', nRow).css('background-color', '#9BF59B');",
                      "var full_text = aData[3]",
                      "$('td:eq(3)', nRow).attr('title', full_text);",
                      "//Code for formatting tooltip",
                      "$('td:eq(3)', nRow).tooltip({",
                        "'delay': 0,",
                        "'track': true,",
                        "'fade': 250,",



Hope this helps.