I have a code that runs through database and outputs everything to a php page.
$avg = mysql_query("SELECT subject, gradeone, gradetwo, gradethree, ((gradeone + gradetwo + gradethree) / 3) as average FROM grades");
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM newstudent AS n JOIN grades AS g ON n.id = g.id ORDER BY n.id") or die (mysql_error());
$last_student = null;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))
if ($row['id'] !== $last_student)
$last_student = $row['id'];
echo "Student ID: ".$row['id']."<br/>";
echo "First Name: ".$row['firstname']."<br/>";
echo "Last Name: ".$row['lastname']."<br/>";
echo "Email: ".$row['email']."<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
print "<table id=reporttable>";
print "<tr id=toprow> <td>subject</td> <td>gradeone</td> <td>gradetwo</td> <td>gradethree</td> <td>average</td></tr>";
print "<tr>";
print " <td>";
print $row["subject"];
print "</td>" ;
print " <td>";
print $row["gradeone"];
print "</td>" ;
print " <td>";
print $row["gradetwo"];
print "</td>" ;
print " <td>";
print $row["gradethree"];
print "</td>" ;
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($avg))
print " <td>";
print $r['average'];
print "</td>" ;
print " </tr>";
print "</table>";
The desired outcome should look like this
the outcome from the following code is great, but there is only 1 minor issue.
the 2nd while loop is suppose to be calculating the average and outputting each record at a new row. instead it does this:
anyone knows a way to make it that each one of those average grades goes along with each row for students?