DocumentPicker Extension immediately stopped on cl

2019-09-04 06:27发布


I have created the document picker extension(Both File provide and document picker , with the default implementations) and when i try to open the extension using the DocumentPickerViewController, its immediately closing the DocumentPickerViewController by showing the below issue plugin invalidated. I have setup the basic app groups and iCloud entitlement as well, Which are all fine. Even from the documentViewController the default iCloud is working perfectly fine. Actually i am testing the extension using the same container application. If somebody can provide some insight about this behavior, it would be a great help !!

Thanks, Vishnu


I got the issue, actually the value of NSExtensionFileProviderDocumentGroup key was put incorrectly put on the info.plist of the file provider extension by XCode by the time of adding the App group.
Then I compared the files with the NBox sample from Apple and finally figured it out.
So sometimes beware of XCode automatic actions, make a cross check so to save to time.

标签: ios8