I have a AngularJS directive which takes an ID and makes a lookup on this ID to get col-width, hide-state and order for a given flexbox element.
What I d like to do is to add a ng-if=false attribute to the element if its hide-state is true. Is there any way, how I can add ng-if attribute from within a directive to a element?
My current code:
.directive("responsiveBehaviour", ['ResponsiveService', function(ResponsiveService){
var linkFunction = function(scope, element, attributes){
var id = attributes["responsiveBehaviour"];
var updateResponsiveProperties = function(){
element.attr("column-width", ResponsiveService.getWidth(id));
element.attr("order", ResponsiveService.getOrder(id));
if(ResponsiveService.getHidden(id) == true){
element.attr("hidden", "");
} else {
if(id) {
scope.$watch('device', function () {
If I add
element.attr("ng-if", false);
instead of
element.attr("hidden", "");
it just renders out the ng-if attribute to the element but there is no action happening, so the element is still rendered and visible although ng-if is false.
Do you have any idea on how to achieve what I am looking for?
Thanks in advance.